Wednesday, March 16, 2011

mgp-ing 2011

we're off from the college as early as 3pm. (the dinner starts after maghrib around 8) we're taking the first trip (the 2nd trip is 5pm) we're not actually 'taking' but we're chosen to off with the first trip according to our table. so, this is what happened on the last saturday. its from 4 diff cam. thx to pika, zirah qilah and sya for the photos. and im still waiting for the other 3 cam.

this dinner is actually malam gemilang putra. or mgp. which is for the final yr students. the degree and also asasi students. we're assumed as final yr. o, and we've got asasi dinner also after this.. i mean next sem.

before off. waiting for the bus..holding on the dress with the hanger.. why did i have such expression?

loitering around the 5stars pan pacific. and photo-shooting around.

selekeh look

im the girl behind the cam. its unfair. ok, these are my girlfriends.

sya, ziqah and aifa

this is what i call as me with the pancake look. hilang keganasan terserlah keayuan all of sudden rite after wearing the dress and put my make up on. btw, thx to ainul, and sue for grooming me. without the 2 of u i may look like a clown maybe. hehe.




suha and pika

baby n faridah

us. btw, our table named as 'sedap malam' until now i cant figure out what the hell was it

baby n ebit

in conclusion, it was fun. but, my rm50 not worth it. because i only eat a little. sgt rugi. dem. but, it was bad when it comes to maghrib prayer. sgt rushing plus, surau sgt kecil. thats why i dont really like dinner. everything will go wrong. and i think my face once again appear in everyone's cam. sbb, asl jmpa org, msti ambik gmbr. wlupun muka sengal. haku peduli hapa. thanks to fatin for letting me playing with ur canon dslr. and i was smiling non stop :)

thx to waiter yg jaga table kami krna bersbr dgn perngai bangang kmi ;p

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