Wednesday, December 15, 2010

1 day left

everyone posting bout the suzuki football cup on twitter also fb. sgt2 dramatic dan emotional match football td. luckily msia mnang. klu nda, just imagine more than 20 000 msian supporters dtg stadium. klu ndada gol mmg hmpa berabislaa. mmndgkan bsuk dpt cuti. so, bulih tidur2 lwt. but tomorrrw gotta do lots of work. lately, i always think of something. why cant i spend my money on novels? sgt2 plik. but, when it comes to magazine, im willing to spend much on it. although i didnt read the magazine, tp akn beli jgk. baru2 ni frst tym beli cleo (slalu pnjam kwn jak).

lately jgk, slalu tepikir ni psl kwn2 lma... ada yg di labuan, swk, mlka, sgor,kdah, penang, rusia, mesir..merata2 lah..berhambur suma.. ndatau la bila dpt jumpa balik. sgt2 hepi klu dgr drg ckp psl apa jd tym drg d tmpt stdy. espclly kwn2 yg d mesir dgn rusia. yeah, to be frank, mstilaa jeles kan. ndapa2 rzki drg smpai dlu.. me? ndatau la bila boleh mrsa pijak overseas yg btul2 over the sea. hehe.. degree pn msti smbg d upm. mghbiskan sisa2 remaja d upm. hehe. no matter la kta dmna, course apa, brpa thun kita bljr, thats our own journey of life. as long as we are happy with what we have. i really2 miss u guys. all of u. a lottt. u guys are the best in the whole worldwide. ceh2. "im afraid to let my friends down, because they are just one in a million".

ada kwn2 sda dpt result. sgt takut thap gaban pnya gaban laa.. soon will be my turn.. aish.. sgt2 tidak suka with what i felt rite now. so freakin nervous. ngahaha.. *gigit2 jari smpai kuku pndek*. huhuhu.

one more thing nda suka sgt2 klu bukak fb. ada ba yg main tnya2 sln pastu durang pigi jwb pastu post d wall kita tu. i hate it! haha. getting annoyed sejalaa...aishh.. i used to play with it before. tp skrg nda sda.. sbb nda suka... tp ndapalahh.. truskanlah kmurg mnjwb sln tu.. hurmmm..

terasa btul2 mau deactivate fb. tp, nnt ada apa2 important mssge ssh plak. pastu, nnt terjejas lah karier stalking menstalking. hoho

once again, i wanna say that. i really dislike hypocrite. sgt2 mem-pissed off kn. tp, mls mau care too much bout it..such a waste.. tp smpai bila drg akn realize *praying for them*

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